This guide will take you through the various actions we recommend to keep your HotDoc Results up to date.
- We recommend you check the Results section of the Dashboard once or twice a day by checking your Summary view for outstanding tasks.
- This ensures your patient's non-urgent Results are actioned within a timely manner and your patients do not encounter a delay in receiving their messages.
Why do I need to check my Results daily?
While Results sending can be automatic, it is important that you check if there are any outstanding Results in the dashboard that need your attention, or if the patient has opted out of receiving SMN communication. |
If regularly maintained, the checklist won't take much time to complete and will ensure your patients are being notified efficiently.
This guide will take you through the various actions we recommend to keep your HotDoc Results up to date.
We recommend that this guide is passed on to all members of your team who will help to manage your results.
Check the 'Summary' page
The Recalls > Summary section in your Dashboard includes a list of all the Results that need to be manually actioned or checked in your dashboard. We strongly recommend using this as your Results 'to-do' list. |
The following will explain how you can use the Recalls Activity Summary to see a summary of Results that need checking or actioning:
- In you HotDoc Dashboard, go to Recalls > Summary
Please note:You may also see a summary for Clinical Reminders if your practice is currently using this feature. - The To Do List on your Summary page will include a summary of tasks completed out of a total of 8 tasks and the total number of results that require your action:
- To see a definition of each task, hover your mouse over the tooltip. The blue information box will also include a Learn More button linked to relevant support articles:
- Hover your mouse over each status and select the Go to button to be directed to that section of the Dashboard. This will apply the status filter automatically.
- Repeat these steps for each task as explained in the following steps of this article
Task 1 - Paused due to template settings
Action: Paused Templates occur as a result of setting a Template to manual actioning. Check for any Recalls in a 'Paused' state and select 'Resume' to send out if appropriate. |
If your Results template is currently set to send manually, any new result HotDoc syncs will remain paused and will require you to manually 'resume' the result to start sending. To check your paused recalls:
- Navigate to Recalls > Summary and click Go to next to the first status Paused due to template settings
- This will take you to your Results that are currently in this status. If you wish to action them manually, click View next to each and chose from one of the options available:
You can also action them in batches following these steps: How do I batch action multiple Recalls?
Alternatively, when you are ready you can activate automatic sending via the templates section. See How to pause your Recall templates to learn more about manual and automatic sending modes.
Task 2 - Check patient's upcoming appointment
Action: Review any Results in 'To Action - Patient has Appointment' and check if the patient has made the right type of booking for their Recall. |
If you are using our pause on booking feature, you will need to check if any patient's Result has been paused due to making an upcoming appointment that does not match the appointment type set on the template.
To check these recalls:
- Navigate to Recalls > Summary. Click Go To next to the Patients out of age range
- This will take you to Recalls > Results > To Action - Patient has Appointment tab. For this status, you can either:
- Update the patient's appointment type in your management system to match your Recall/Results appointment type
- Manually verify the patient's appointment by selecting the green Link Appointment button:
- Note: If the patient has multiple upcoming appointments, this button will read Choose Appointment to Link. For more information, see: How do I link an upcoming appointment to a Recall
- If no upcoming appointments are relevant, click Resume Recall to continue recalling the patient
Click here to learn more about the To Action - Patient has Appointment status.
- Note: If the patient has multiple upcoming appointments, this button will read Choose Appointment to Link. For more information, see: How do I link an upcoming appointment to a Recall
- Update the patient's appointment type in your management system to match your Recall/Results appointment type
Task 3 - Patients out of age range
Action: Check for patients who have an invalid age. Choose to either remind the patient by post, call or mark as done. |
You may find that there are some patients for who HotDoc is not permitted to send an SMN Result due to:
- The patient being outside of your chosen age range
To check these recalls:
- Navigate to Recalls > Summary and click Go To next to the Patients out of age range
- This will take you to Recalls > Results > To Action tab.
It's important to check these patient's reminder status in their patient record as HotDoc is unable to use SMN to alert the patient to their recall on your behalf.
- If the recall has since been given already, you can Mark as Done
- If the recall has not been given, you can choose to Remind by Post (which places the recall into the 'To Post' tab for letter download) or Remind by Call (which places the recall into the 'To Call' tab and into a call list)
We recommend leaving a comment on the Result each time you call the patient, as this will then be entered back into the patient's file.
Task 4 - Mobile numbers are incomplete or invalid
Action: Check for patients who have an invalid mobile number. Choose to either remind the patient by post or mark as done. See What happens to a recall if a patient has an invalid mobile number? |
You may find that there are some patients for who HotDoc is not permitted to send an SMN Result due to:
- The patient not having a mobile phone number in their patient record or the number is invalid
To check these recalls:
- Navigate to Recalls > Summary and click Go To next to the Mobile numbers are incomplete or invalid
- This will take you to Recalls > Results > To Action tab. The phone number on the patient's file is either incomplete or may not be a mobile number. If possible, update the mobile number on the patient's file.
It's important to check these patient's reminder status in their patient record as HotDoc is unable to use SMN to alert the patient to their recall on your behalf.
- If the recall has since been given already, you can Mark as Done
- If the recall has not been given, you can choose to Remind by Post (which places the recall into the 'To Post' tab for letter download) or Remind by Call (which places the recall into the 'To Call' tab and into a call list)
We recommend leaving a comment on the Result each time you call the patient, as this will then be entered back into the patient's file.
Task 5 - Patients opted out of SMS
Action: Check for patients who have opted out of receiving reminders via HotDoc. Choose to either remind the patient by post, call or mark as done. See How do I manage patient consent in the Dashboard? |
You may find that there are some patients for who HotDoc is not permitted to send an SMN Result due to:
- The patient is opted out of receiving SMN communication
To check these recalls:
- Navigate to Recalls > Summary and click Go To next to the Patients opted out of SMS
- This will take you to Recalls > Results > To Action tab. These patient/s have chosen to opt-out of SMN communication. You can opt the patient back in if required.
It's important to check these patient's reminder status in their patient record as HotDoc is unable to use SMN to alert the patient to their recall on your behalf.
- If the recall has since been given already, you can Mark as Done
- If the recall has not been given, you can choose to Remind by Post (which places the recall into the 'To Post' tab for letter download) or Remind by Call (which places the recall into the 'To Call' tab and into a call list)
We recommend leaving a comment on the Result each time you call the patient, as this will then be entered back into the patient's file.
Task 6 - Patients seen but recall unresolved in file
Action: Review the Unresolved tab to check for any patients who have attended an appointment but still have an unresolved recall in their file. |
If you are using our pause on booking feature, you will need to check if any patients have since been seen by the doctor but have a Result/Recall still unresolved on their patient file.
HotDoc will sync if a doctor removes a Recall/Result from a patient's file and will move this to 'Done'.
Checking for any Results in the Unresolved tab will allow you to make sure the Result is notified and if not, provide a list for you to follow up with the patient's doctor. To print this list and provide it to the relevant doctor.
To check these recalls:
- Navigate to Recalls > Summary and click Go To next to the Patients seen but recall unresolved in file
- This will take you to Recalls > Results > Unresolved tab. In the Unresolved tab > Filter by the Practitioner > select Print > provide the practitioner with the list to 'mark the result as given/notified' if it was discussed in their recent appointment.
- Alternatively, if the doctor is unable to update the recall to notified, you can mark the Result as done. To do this, click on the patient's name to open the recall and click 'Mark as done'. See How to leave a comment and mark the Recall as done for more information.
- If the Result was not discussed, you have the option to restart communication with the patient. To do this, click on the patient's name to open the recall and click Start again. See How do I restart a recall sequence?
Task 7 - Patients to call
Action: Head to your 'To Call' screen to see patients that you will need to call to schedule an appointment |
The To Call section shows all recalls that require you to manually call the patient to schedule in a recall appointment. Items will appear here if:
- The patient has not responded to the final SMN attempt. (You can see the contact attempts in the Attempts column, see image below)
- You have manually selected a patient as ‘Remind by Call’
To check these recalls:
- Navigate to Recalls > Summary and Click Go To next to the Patients to call
- This will take you to Recalls > Results >To Call tab. In the Attempts column, you will also see the contact attempts that were made to the patient (if any) for their result:
From there, you can action them individually. For additional steps please see: What to do when a recall is in the To Call section & How to use the Recalls 'To Call' Stage
Task 8 - Letters to post
Action: Head to your 'To Post' screen for letters that need to be downloaded and sent to your patients See: How do I download and print Recall letters? |
The To Post section shows all recalls which require you to generate a letter and manually send it to patients. Items will appear here if:
- The Recall/Result type has a template that is only ever set to send as a letter.
- The patient has not responded to the final SMN attempt.
- You have manually selected a patient as ‘Remind by Post’
To check these recalls:
- Navigate to Recalls > Summary and click Go To next to the Letters to post
- This will take you to Recalls > Results > To Post tab. In the Attempts column, you will also see the contact attempts that were made to the patient (if any) for their result:
For additional steps on how to print your Recall letters see How do I print a Recall letter in HotDoc?
How to check if my results are up to date?
- Navigate to Recalls > Summary
- If you are up to date, this will be reflected in your Dashboard as Tasks Complete:
Educate your Team
As with anything new, education is key to ensuring a higher patient engagement rate. The more you promote the system to your team, the more comfortable they will feel using Results. |
Congratulations! You have now fully set up and learnt how to manage HotDoc Recalls
As your team start to use this, they may naturally have questions. Most questions can be pre-empted by good education and knowledge of the product.
To educate your Team:
- Download our Medical Director or Best Practice cheat sheet on and print this out for your reception staff!