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HotDoc Recalls allows you to pause the automatic send out of SMS to patients who are due for an upcoming recall. Some reasons why you may wish to pause a recall template are:
- You want to manually manage a certain recall (Eg. Care Plans)
- You have decided to temporarily pause a certain recall template from sending out
- For GP practices, you may be waiting for flu vaccine stock to arrive at the practice
- Optometrists may require patients to book after the due date for medicare eligibility or private health insurance reasons
In this article |
How to pause a template
Once a Recall Template is paused, HotDoc will not send out the linked recalls until the template is un-paused and will show these Recalls in your To Action list instead. |
- Log into your HotDoc Dashboard using your clinic user details.
- Navigate into the left hand menu into Recalls > Template Groups
- Choose the template you wish to pause and click Edit Template.
- Scroll down to the three options underneath the Reminder Message, and untick the box Send HotDoc Recall automatically and select Save.
- Once saved, it will take you back to your Template Groups screen, where you will be able to see that the Template is paused.
How to action 'paused' recalls
Any recalls that we sync into the Dashboard whilst the assigned Template that is paused will display as such in the To Action section:
To action paused recalls, follow these steps below.
- Select the recall in the To Action section with the status "To action: Paused"
- To send the recall, within the recalls activity section activity click the green Resume button:
- If you do not need to send a recall to the patient, you can select Mark as done to complete this recall. You can also leave a comment in this step which will writeback to the patient file in your practice management software, see How do I leave a comment and mark a Recall as done?
- If you would like to send a letter to remind this patient of their recall, you can select Remind by post. This allows you to then download and print the letter to send to the patient via post. See How do I download and print Recall letters? for more information on how to do this.
How to resume a paused template
When you want to resume sending your recalls automatically for a paused Recall Template, you can unpause by following the steps below:
- Log into your HotDoc Dashboard using your clinic user details.
- Navigate into the left hand menu into Recalls > Template Groups
- Choose the template you wish to resume and click Edit Template.
- Once in the edit template screen, scroll down and tick the box Send HotDoc Recall automatically and select Save. From here, Recalls with this assigned template will send automatically.
- Note: If you are viewing a patient's recall in your Dashboard with the action 'Paused', you can select 'Why is this recall paused' and click on the green template settings link to be re-direct to the template settings and unpause the template:
If you are needing some further assistance with your HotDoc Recalls, you can review the following Support articles