Best Practice - Medical Director (Pracsoft) - Zedmed
HotDoc Recalls can show the practitioner who originally assigned a recall to a patient when viewing that recall in the Dashboard. This feature is based upon linking the practitioners you have in your practice management system with the HotDoc practitioners you have set up in the Dashboard.
What are the benefits of linking my recalls to practitioners?
There are a number of benefits that come with linking your recalls to practitioners in HotDoc:
- It allows you to filter your recalls by the practitioner they are assigned to in the HotDoc Dashboard
- Helps patients to book their recall appointments with the correct practitioner by taking them straight through to that practitioner’s booking page from the Book Appointment button on the recall message they receive.
How to filter by practitioner
If you are using a shared database, you can only filter by the practitioners for the practice that you are currently logged in as.
If you wish to filter by a practitioner that works at a different site, please log out, and then log in with the HotDoc user for that site.
ⓘ Multisite or sharing a Database?
- To enable the feature, you will need to log in to your HotDoc Dashboard and then head to Recalls > Settings:

- Scroll down to Dashboard Settings and check the box next to Show practitioner names on recalls dashboard:

- Once the feature is enabled, you should be able to see a new filter option on your recalls activity table which allows you to filter your recalls by the practitioner they are assigned to:

My practitioners aren’t showing up, what can I do to fix it?
The practitioners that are shown on the recalls activity table are associated with practitioners that you have set up in HotDoc under Setup > Practitioner Setup:
If you find that you are missing practitioners from the list, the first thing you should do is set them up as HotDoc practitioners in your Dashboard. This has to be done for every practitioner from your book that you expect to be showing in the HotDoc recalls dashboard. Please see this article to take you through the steps to add a practitioner.
Given that Medical Director does not allow you to specify which appointment book your recalls should be assigned to, it can sometimes be tricky for HotDoc to find the right doctor for the recall.
We may be able to manually set doctors for you if this is the case. If this is something that you are interested in then please contact our Support team!
ⓘ A note for Medical Director/Pracsoft practices with multiple appointment books