The following guide will take you through how to manage your recalls in the HotDoc Dashboard. Here you can see how to:
- Add a recall to be sent to a patient
- Edit an upcoming recalls details or delete this from sending to a patient
- View and manage recalls to understand how to use this feature
In this article |
For clinics using Best Practice, Medical Director or Zedmed, please see our recalls guide here. |
How to add a recall
To add a recall for a patient, they must have an appointment in the Calendar. Note: If you would like recalls to be added automatically for specific appointment types, please see the instructions in How to add Automated Recalls |
Once the appointment time has finished, click on the patient's appointment in the HotDoc Calendar and select Add Recall.
Here you can choose:
- The practitioner for the recall
- Recall template from the drop down list. You will also see the sequence associated with the template. For more information on templates and sequences, see Getting started with Recalls for Dental, Specialists and Allied
A due date for the recall, either in months or by selecting a specific date. This is when a recall will send to patients.
Click the green Save button once you've finalised the details. To see the patient's recall, click View Patient's Recalls. To return to the HotDoc Calendar click Done.
How to edit an upcoming recall:
You can edit a patients upcoming recall from the upcoming appointment in the Calendar. Editing a recall will mark the existing recall as "Done - Recall edited and replaced", and create a new recall with the updated details. |
- In the Calendar, click on the patients upcoming appointment.
- Click the Edit button next to the patients upcoming recall.
To edit, select any of the following fields (practitioner, recall template, due date) and click Save. You can then click View Patient's Recalls to see the changes in Recalls > Activity, or select Done to return to the Calendar:
Edit recall details (click to enlarge)
Confirmation of edit
The recall details will then update accordingly in the Recall section below:
- Editing a recall will change the status of this recall to "Done - Recall edited and replaced", and a new recall will be created with the updated details and status:
(You can see this in the patients recall details in the Recalls > Activity section of the Dashboard)
How to delete an upcoming recall
- In the Calendar, click on the patients upcoming appointment.
- Click the Edit button next to the patients upcoming recall.
Click the Delete button to permanently delete the recall
Permanently delete recall (Click to enlarge)
The recall details will then update accordingly in the Recall section:
- Deleting a recall will then change the status of the recall to "Done - Marked as done" and will not be sent any communications. You can see this in the patients recall details in the Recalls > Activity section of the Dashboard:
How to view and manage your recalls
We recommend you check your recalls each day as there may be recalls that require some form of action before they can start/continue sending to a patient. |
- For an overview of recalls that require manual attention from your team, you can view the Recalls > Summary page. Please view How do I action my Recalls/Clinical Reminders? (Action checklist) for how to use this section.
To view patient recalls, go to Recalls > Activity. From left to right you will see:
- Patient's name
- Practitioner assigned to the recall
- Recall template
- Due date of the recall (when the recall is due to send)
- Patients next appointment
- Status of the recall - See What does each recall status mean?
- To search for a specific recall you can filter by choosing the practitioner, status, due date of the recall or by typing the name of the patient or the template:
To see further information about a recall, click on the recall to open it:
You will then see the following information:
- Reminder Details: Patient information, recall information
- Appointments: Past and future appointments that directly relate to the recall
Recall Activity: This will show you all contact attempts from HotDoc, patient actions, and any clinic actions.
In this example, the recall was added, SMS queued to send, sent, patient opened SMS link and read the recall:
In this example, the recall was added, SMS queued to send, sent, patient opened SMS link and read the recall:
You can add a comment to the recall by typing a message and clicking Save comment - the recall will then appear in the Recall Activity. You may want to add a if you have made contact attempts or for any notes regarding the recall.
Please note: This comment will not be seen by the patient.
If you would like to start the contact attempts again for this recall you can click the Start Again button. To return to the recalls activity, press the X on the top right hand corner.
Recalls 'To Action'
The 'To Action' section of your recalls activity refers to recalls that require manual action by the clinic before they can progress and send to the patient. The steps below explain how to view these recalls:
- In the HotDoc Dashboard, go to Recalls > Activity. Click the To action filter if there are a number of outstanding recalls.
Click on each recall, and action it accordingly by selecting one of the options.
Please note: To learn more about each To Action status, please review the article What does each Recall Status mean for Dental, Specialists and Allied
Please note: To learn more about each To Action status, please review the article What does each Recall Status mean for Dental, Specialists and Allied
Recalls 'Unresolved'
If you have Pause on Booking enabled for any of your recall templates, recalls may come into the "Unresolved" section if the patient's appointment has passed, but was not marked as Seen. These appointments require a manual action to determine how the recall should be treated.
In the HotDoc Dashboard, go to Recalls > Activity. Click the Unresolved filter is there is a number of outstanding recalls.
- Note: You can filter the recalls by searching the patient's name in the search bar:
- Note: You can filter the recalls by searching the patient's name in the search bar:
Click on each recall, and action it accordingly by selecting one of the options. The status will be To action - To learn more about the status please review the article What does each Recall Status mean for Dental Specialists and Allied.