I no longer need to collect a payment from a patient for their appointment. How do I cancel this payment request in HotDoc?
Please click the appropriate tab below to see instructions depending on if you're using using Best Practice, Medical Director or Zedmed as your practice software.
Best Practice
We will automatically cancel a HotDoc payment if the patient was Bulk Billed with 'Billed to: Medicare Direct Bill' on their invoice, or if payment for their appointment was taken outside of HotDoc and the amount owing is $0.
This will appear in the Payments > Booking Activity as cancelled list the reason why, and we will do this 10 minutes after we have synced the patient's invoice in Best practice.
You can also cancel requests manually if you no longer require to collect payment via HotDoc. Please follow the steps below to see how this works.
In this article |
How payments are automatically cancelled for bulk billed patients
HotDoc will automatically cancel any requests for payment that are bulk billed where you have processed the invoice as "Bill to: Medicare Direct Bill" in Best Practice. Automatic cancellation will occur when you complete the following steps:
- After the patient finishes their appointment, in Best Practice the practitioner will need to finalise the visit, enter the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item numbers for the appointment and click Save.
- Once the appointment is in Billing Status (the appointment will be green in the appointment book), click Create Account > in 'Bill to' select 'Medicare Direct Bill' > click Store. This will enable HotDoc to sync the invoice into the Dashboard.
- Go to the Dashboard > Payments > Booking Activity > All tab, and you will see the request for payment for the relevant appointment now has the Status "Cancelled" and Reason "Patient Bulk Billed"
You can now exempt patients from being asked to provide a payment method when booking based on your Bulk Billing criteria. |
How payments are automatically cancelled for patients who have paid at the clinic
HotDoc will also automatically cancel any requests for payment where we can see that the full invoice amount has been paid (the amount owing is $0)
After the patient finishes their appointment, in Best Practice the practitioner will need to finalise the visit, enter the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item numbers for the appointment and click Save.
Once the appointment is in Billing Status (the appointment will be green in the appointment book), click Create Account > in 'Bill to' select 'Patient, Head of Family, Workcover or Other' > Pay now:
Note: We will auto cancel when any of the following are selected in the 'Bill to' field:
- 'Patient, Head of Family, Workcover or Other
- Complete the payment details including payment method/s and total and allocate the amount to the invoice before hitting Process:
Go to the Dashboard > Payments > Booking Activity > All tab, and you will see the request for payment for relevant appointment now has the Status "Cancelled", Reason "Paid in Best Practice" and the Charge should reflect the invoice amount in Best Practice.
Please note: The payment will only cancel in HotDoc if the payment total allocated to the invoice totally covers the amount owing of the invoice
How to manually cancel payments in the Dashboard
There may be times when you are no longer required to collect payment from a patient via HotDoc and would like to cancel the payment request manually. In this instance, you can easily cancel the request in your HotDoc Dashboard by following these steps:
In your HotDoc Dashboard, head to Payments > Booking Activity > All then locate the patient's appointment.
Select the Cancel button next to their appointment.
Note: If the payment you are cancelling has the Payment Status: 'Requested', cancelling the payment will not cancel the appointment in your book. See: How do I cancel a request for payment for a practice booked appointment without cancelling the appointment?
- You will then be asked to confirm that you wish to cancel the funds. Select Yes, Cancel to continue:
This request will then be cancelled and the patient will not be charged via HotDoc, and if a pre-authorised hold was taken it will be released. This will update in the 'Payment Status' column in your Dashboard.
Medical Director (Pracsoft) , Zedmed
There may be times when you are no longer required to collect payment from a patient via HotDoc, for example, if the patient is eligible for bulk billing. In this instance, you can easily cancel the request in your HotDoc Dashboard by following these steps:
In your HotDoc Dashboard, head to Payments > Booking Activity then locate the patient's appointment.
Select the Cancel button next to their appointment.
Note: If the payment you are cancelling has the Payment Status: 'Requested', cancelling the payment will not cancel the appointment in your book. See: How do I cancel a request for payment for a practice booked appointment without cancelling the appointment?
- You will then be asked to confirm that you wish to cancel the funds. Select Yes, Cancel to continue:
This request will then be cancelled and the patient will not be charged via HotDoc and any pre-authorised holds will be released. This will update in the 'Payment Status' column in your Dashboard.
You can now exempt patients from being asked to provide a payment method when booking based on your Bulk Billing criteria.
For more information, please see: How do I make patients that are eligible for Bulk Billing exempt from payments