HotDoc Results uses Templates and Sequences to determine how to contact a patient for their non-urgent result or no action (BP only).
This article will take you through the basics of how HotDoc will send a recall for results based upon the results that are synced into the HotDoc Dashboard.
In this article |
How do Templates and Sequences work?
Whether a patient is sent for just one test, or multiple tests, HotDoc Results will escalate their case by the urgency of the Action assigned to their test results.
As multiple tests are synced for a patient, HotDoc will apply a template to the highest priority “Action” that the doctor has assigned. This will appear in the “Action” column:
- For example, if a patient is sent for three tests, the doctor will assign actions to these tests as the results come through to their inbox. If one test’s action is assigned Non-Urgent Appointment or Discuss while the other two are assigned No Action, the Non-Urgent Appointment or Discuss template will be applied because this action has the highest priority.
- Tests performed on the same day are grouped together so that we only send one message to the patient, as opposed to three messages all with different meanings, which would cause confusion.
In the above screenshot, you can see how tests belonging to the same patient that are performed on the same date are grouped in the HotDoc Dashboard.
Please note: tests performed on separate days will sync into the Dashboard as separate Results.
The HotDoc Results Journey
The Patient Journey will usually follow the steps below:
- The patient sees doctor and tests are ordered.
- The patient has tests performed.
- The test results are returned to the clinic and added to the doctor's inbox/holding file for review.
- The practitioner will apply an 'action' to each test that is ordered. They may also add a comment, and you have enabled their comments to show to the patient or in the Dashboard we will sync these.
- HotDoc syncs the tests and groups them according to the patient and "performed by" date.
- HotDoc applies a template according to the most urgent 'Action', for example 'Non-urgent appointment'.
If the template assigned has:
- an SMN sequence, we will send an SMN or push notification.
- an email sequence, we will send an email notification.
- The patient receives the notification, verifies their last name and date of birth, reads their result message (and comments from the practitioner if enabled and applicable) and can book an appointment.
If multiple tests are performed on the same day, the urgency will escalate if we sync tests into the Dashboard that require communication.
If the reason is escalated to a template that has an SMN sequence, we will start to queue to send the SMN out.
To view what the Patient sees from here, please read What does the Patient see when they receive a Results message?
An SMS example |
An Email example |