Best Practice - Medical Director (Pracsoft) - Zedmed - Optomate - Dental4Windows - HotDoc Calendar
I need to find a specific Recall. How do I search for it in the HotDoc Dashboard?
There may be times where you will be required to search for a patient's Recall in the HotDoc Dashboard. To search for or locate a specific Recall, please follow the steps below.
- Log into your HotDoc Dashboard
- Navigate to Recalls > Activity/Clinical Reminders/Results (depending on the recall type):
- Click on the 'All' tab to view all Recalls of all statuses:
- Use the search bar on the top right corner to either search for a patient's name or the reason for the Recall:
- Once the relevant Recall from the search results is located, you'll be able to see the contact attempts and contact methods under the Attempts column:
- Click on the Recall activity to view a complete history of the recall:
- To exit the Recall search and return to the previous screen, click Clear Filters, or remove any text you may have entered into the search field: