Best Practice - Medical Director (Pracsoft) - Zedmed - Optomate
What happens to a recall if a patient has a missing or invalid contact method in their patient file?
HotDoc Recalls requires:
- a valid mobile phone number in order for us to send an SMN about the patient's health message.
a valid email address to send an email notification about the patient's health message.
To view recalls with a missing or invalid contact method:
Head to Recalls > Summary you can see if you need to action recalls where 'Mobile or email is invalid'.
This will also appear under Recalls > Clinical Reminders/Results* > To Action tab.
Head to Recalls > Summary you can see if you need to action recalls where 'Mobile or email is invalid'.
If a patient does not have:
A mobile phone number listed in their patient record, or if the number they have listed is invalid, their recall will be synced into the Dashboard and flagged as the status To Action - Invalid phone number:
An email address listed in their patient record, or if the email address they have listed is invalid, their recall will be synced into the Dashboard and flagged as the status To Action - Invalid email address:
A mobile phone number listed in their patient record, or if the number they have listed is invalid, their recall will be synced into the Dashboard and flagged as the status To Action - Invalid phone number:
- If the patient's mobile number/email is missing or invalid in their patient file, once you update this information in your practice software, we will automatically send the SMN/Email to the patient.
- If the contact information can't be corrected you will need to decide whether you'd like to inform the patient by an alternative phone number(such as a home number) or remind them by post. You can review this in our Action Checklist for Clinical Reminders article steps - Patients to call & Letters to post.
- If you have multiple patients that have an Invalid phone number status, you can apply a batch action and then choose to print the letters ready for posting.