Can I stop a recall notification from being sent to a patient?
Best Practice, Medical Director (Pracsoft), Zedmed
You are able to stop a Recall from going out through the HotDoc Dashboard if you have already notified the patient verbally, or you would prefer that their recall wasn't handled by HotDoc. Please follow the steps below to stop a recall from sending:
Log into the Dashboard here, in the left hand menu, click into Recalls > Activity/Clinical Reminders/Results.
Select All in the Activity section under Recalls. To filter for the Recalls that are scheduled, filter by In Progress - No action required:
Click on the patient whose recall you would like to stop from sending out then click on one of the following:
- Mark as done: The patient’s Recall sequence will stop and it will show as Done in the Dashboard. Please note: the Recall will remain in the patients medical record as HotDoc will not remove this recall from the patient file. See How to leave a comment and mark the Recall as done for further information:
- Remind by call:You will have the option to send the recall to the Call stage to following up with a phone call, see: Recalls Call Stage
Remind by post: You will have the option to download a letter to recall the patient. For further information on downloading recalls to letters see How do I print a Recall letter in HotDoc?
- Mark as done: The patient’s Recall sequence will stop and it will show as Done in the Dashboard. Please note: the Recall will remain in the patients medical record as HotDoc will not remove this recall from the patient file. See How to leave a comment and mark the Recall as done for further information:
- If you'd like to apply this action to multiple recalls at once, see How do I batch action multiple Recalls?
You are able to stop a Recall from going out through the HotDoc Dashboard if you have already notified the patient verbally, or you would prefer that their recall wasn't handled by HotDoc. Please follow the steps below to stop a recall from sending:
Log into the Dashboard here, in the left hand menu, click into Recalls > Activity
Select All in the Activity section under Recalls. To filter for the Recalls that are scheduled, filter by In Progress - No action required:
Click on the patient whose recall you would like to stop from sending out then click on one of the following:
- Mark as done: The patient’s Recall sequence will stop and it will show as Done in the Dashboard. Please note: the Recall will remain in the patients medical record as HotDoc will not remove this recall from the patient file. See How to leave a comment and mark the Recall as done for further information:
- Remind by call:You will have the option to send the recall to the Call stage to following up with a phone call, see: Recalls Call Stage
Remind by post: You will have the option to download a letter to recall the patient. For further information on downloading recalls to letters see How do I print a Recall letter in HotDoc?
- Mark as done: The patient’s Recall sequence will stop and it will show as Done in the Dashboard. Please note: the Recall will remain in the patients medical record as HotDoc will not remove this recall from the patient file. See How to leave a comment and mark the Recall as done for further information:
- If you'd like to apply this action to multiple recalls at once, see How do I batch action multiple Recalls?
Dental4Windows, HotDoc Calendar
You are able to stop a Recall from going out through the HotDoc Dashboard if you have already notified the patient verbally, or you would prefer that their recall wasn't handled by HotDoc. Please follow the steps below to stop a recall from sending:
Log into the Dashboard here, in the left hand menu, click into Recalls > Activity
Select All in the Activity section under Recalls. To filter for the Recalls that are scheduled, filter by In Progress - No action required:
Click on the patient whose recall you would like to stop from sending out then click on one of the following:
- Mark as done: The patient’s Recall sequence will stop and it will show as Done in the Dashboard, see: How to leave a comment and mark the Recall as done for further information:
Remind by call:You will have the option to send the recall to the Call stage to following up with a phone call, see: Recalls Call Stage
- Mark as done: The patient’s Recall sequence will stop and it will show as Done in the Dashboard, see: How to leave a comment and mark the Recall as done for further information:
- If you'd like to apply this action to multiple recalls at once, see How do I batch action multiple Recalls?