How do I set up a practitioner for Telehealth appointments on specific times or days only?
There may be times when you would like to adjust a practitioner's availability so that patients can only book Telehealth appointment's on specific days. Some examples of this may include:
- The practitioner works remotely on specific days and wants to accept telehealth only on these days repetitively. Please see steps here.
The practitioner is required to isolate this week only and wants to accept telehealth only for the rest of the week, then return to their face-to-face schedule. Please see steps here.
- The practitioner wants Telehealth appointments only bookable for Saturdays, but patients can also book face to face appointments on that day. Please see steps here.
Please check the steps below to see the best way to set your practitioner's online availability for these types of scenarios.
How to set up a practitioner who works remotely on specific days and wants to accept telehealth only on these days repetitively
The best way to set this up is creating an Exclusive session for those specific days only including Telehealth appointments, and set it to be repeated frequently (weekly, fortnightly or monthly).
This action will automatically exclude any other appointment types from being bookable online on those days.
How to set up a practitioner's sessions to accept telehealth only for a specific timeframe, then return to their face-to-face schedule
The best way to set this up is creating an Exclusive session for those specific days only including Telehealth appointments, and set it up just for that one time (the Repeat Frequency would be "Never").
This action will automatically exclude any other appointment types from being bookable online on those days.
How to set up a practitioner who wants to accept Telehealth on a specific day only, but they want Face to Face appointments to be available too
For this type of scenario, the best option is creating a Custom Appointment type session for the Telehealth appointments, so that they are only available on that day. However, this action won't affect any other appointment types, so they will remain available as expected.