Best Practice - Medical Director (Pracsoft) - Zedmed - Optomate - Dental4Windows - HotDoc Calendar
I wan't to see which patients did not receive a Broadcast message. How can I do this?
You can see who did not receive a broadcast message in the HotDoc Dashboard under Broadcast History. This will list the patients name, and their mobile number.
This also gives you the opportunity to correct the patients mobile number moving forward, so next time they receive their SMSs. To view this:
- Go to your HotDoc Dashboard, and on the left hand side click Broadcast > Broadcast History
- Click View next to your broadcast. Please note: The patients messaged column will allow you to quickly see if some messages could not send if the two numbers are different.
- The red box will indicate the recipients full name and mobile number (as listed in the patient file) that this message could not sent to: