How do I reduce the minimum wait time between AstraZeneca Dose 1 and Dose 2?
You can add a custom minimum wait time between doses in your AstraZeneca Dose 1 appointment type settings:
- In the HotDoc Dashboard, go to Vaccinations > COVID-19 > Edit under your COVID-19 Vaccine Dose 1 AstraZeneca appointment type:
- Scroll to Vaccination Appointment Setup - AstraZeneca and enter the amount of weeks a patient will be required to wait between doses. Press Save to save changes.
- Patients can then book their Dose 2 AstraZeneca appointment x weeks after their Dose 1 AstraZeneca appointment time.
Please Note: if you have run through these steps and your Dashboard does not look the same as the above screenshot, please check that your are editing your AstraZeneca Dose 1 appointment type. This setting is not located in the AstraZeneca Dose 2 appointment type area.