Best Practice - Medical Director (Pracsoft) - Zedmed - Dental4Windows - HotDoc Calendar
I would like to generate a QR code so that patients can scan it at the practice and fill in the form. How do I generate it?
You can generate a QR code for your forms in the Forms section of the HotDoc Dashboard. Patients can then easily access this in the waiting room and complete their form prior to their appointment.
How to generate a QR code for a form
- Log in to your HotDoc Dashboard.
- On the left hand side click on Forms > Forms.
- Click Actions next to your form, then select Generate a QR code
- The QR code will generate and open in a seperate tab in your internet browser. To save, right click on the code > select Save Image as > rename the file > make the format PNG > press Save.
- Add the QR Code to any applicable forms signage you may have at your practice, then print and display this for patients to easily access your form.