Using HotDoc Payments
- How do I set up HotDoc payments for my appointments?
- How do I enable payment pre-authorisation settings for my appointment types?
- How to manage failed payments for Appointments
- What does each tab in the Payments Booking Activity mean?
- How do I enable Payment Automations for Best Practice (automatically collect and receipt invoice)
- How can I exempt patients who are eligible for Bulk Billing from adding a payment method?
- How do I generate a CSV of my Payments Report?
- How to set up Direct to Practitioner Payouts for Payments
- How do I set up my Payments to pass the fee on to the patient?
- How to set up a Payment Provider to start using HotDoc Payments and Quick Consults
- Payments - The Patient Journey
- How to manually request patient card details for an upcoming appointment
- How to collect a payment for a patient's appointment
- How to create, refund or cancel a HotDoc 'Payment Request'
- How do I cancel a HotDoc Payment?
- How do I refund a HotDoc Payment for an appointment to the patient?
- How to view past and upcoming Payments
- What happens to a patients payment details if I modify their appointment?
- What happens to a HotDoc Payment if the patient cancels or reschedules their appointment?
- How do I cancel or collect a payment if a patient did not attend their appointment?