This feature allows HotDoc to streamline invoicing by automatically creating and receipting an invoice for a patient in Best Practice for Quick Consult requests (eg. repeat prescription or referral) that have been approved by their practitioner.
This reduces time spent creating invoices allows for easy reporting and reconciliation of your payments. Please view the article below to set this up.
In this article |
How does automatic invoicing work?
- This feature will work for repeat prescription and referral requests.
You will need to enable this setting in your HotDoc Dashboard, and select a 'Practice fee' from Best Practice to appear as the line item on the invoice.
To add a new practice fee please see How to add a new 'Practice Fee' in Best Practice.
To add a new practice fee please see How to add a new 'Practice Fee' in Best Practice.
- Once a patient's prescription or referral request is completed by the practitioner via the HotDoc Sidebar (or if manually approved in the Dashboard), we'll automatically create and receipt an invoice for the patient in your practice software.
We will enter the amount set for each request in your Dashboard, which is the 'net' amount (total amount excluding any fees).
EG: If the cost of your 'non-urgent prescription' is set to $15 in the Dashboard, we will put $15 on the invoice.
EG: If the cost of your 'urgent prescription' is set to $20 in the Dashboard, we will put $20 on the invoice.
EG: If the cost of your 'non-urgent prescription' is set to $15 in the Dashboard, we will put $15 on the invoice.
- If we can't automatically create an invoice, we will send an email to the email address listed in Repeats > Setup section of your Dashboard
Please read below to see how to set this up.
How to enable automatic invoicing for Quick Consults
Go to Quick Consults > Settings
Scroll to Automatic Invoicing in Best Practice and check the box
Under 'Select a Practice Fee', select the drop down box and choose a practice fee from Best Practice for your Prescription or Referrals, to appear as the description for the line item on the patients invoice when a patient requests this online via HotDoc.
- We recommend naming these 'HotDoc Prescription Request' and HotDoc Referral 'Request'
- To set up a new practice fee in Best Practice, see our steps below.
Under Payment type, select an option for HotDoc to process the payment in the receipt in Best Practice.
- Note: We recommend 'Direct Credit' or making this consistent with your other HotDoc Payments for reporting and reconciliation purposes.
- Note: We recommend 'Direct Credit' or making this consistent with your other HotDoc Payments for reporting and reconciliation purposes.
- Select Update details to save your changes.
Once a practitioner 'completes/approves' a request in the HotDoc Sidebar (or if this is approved in the Dashboard), we will automatically create and receipt an invoice in Best Practice.
You can see this invoice in Best Practice under Billing > Account History and searching for the patient as shown below.
You can see this invoice in Best Practice under Billing > Account History and searching for the patient as shown below.
If we could not automatically create an invoice in Best Practice (eg. no patient file match in your practice software), we will send an email to the nominated email address in your Dashboard. For these patients, you will be required to manually create and receipt the invoice in Best Practice yourself.
- If we could not find a patient match in Best Practice, based on the details the patient submitted in their request
- If the doctor does not have 'Has accounts' permission enabled in Best Practice
- If the patient's file was not active or did not exist in Best Practice when submitting their request
- If your linked 'Practice fees' were deleted, or you have not linked a 'Practice fee' for the requested service
When won't we automatically create an invoice?
How to add a new 'Practice Fee' in Best Practice
To set up a new practice fee in Best Practice you will need to add a custom item.
We suggest calling these 'HotDoc prescription request' and 'HotDoc referral request' so that you can easily identify these invoices.
- Go to Setup > Practice fees
- Select Add custom item
Add the name in the Item Description field and select Save. You do not need to set a fee for this item, select 'Yes' to proceed.
Note: We recommend calling these 'HotDoc prescription request' and 'HotDoc referral request' so that you can easily identify these invoices.
- Once you have added the custom items for your prescription and referral requests, select 'Close' and we will sync this to appear in your Dashboard.
What do I do if I need to refund a request
In the HotDoc Dashboard, you will need to select the 'reject and refund' button which initiates the refund to the patient. Please see How to refund a repeat prescription or referral request in the Dashboard for how to do this.
You will then need to go into your practice software (Best Practice) and refund the invoice (however you currently do this in Best Practice) to ensure your reporting balances.
How does this appear in reporting?
Each time a patients repeat script or referral request is approved and we charge the patient's card, this will appear in the Payments > Reporting section of the Dashboard.
We also display if we were able to automatically create the invoice or not per request.
This reporting page will allow you to reconcile your payments to the receipts in your practice software. To view this:
In the Payments > Reporting section under Payment Activity, select the Repeats tab to view all completed or refunded HotDoc prescription and referral requests.
If we were able to automatically create an invoice, you will see a green 'Invoiced by HotDoc' icon informing you that we successfully created and receipted an invoice in your practice software for the patient.
If we were unable to automatically create an invoice, for example we couldn't find a patient match, you will see a red 'Needs invoice' icon, informing you that we were unable to create an invoice in your practice software for the patient so you will be required to that manually.
- You will also receive an email sent to the nominated email address under Quick Consults > Settings, to inform you that we were unable to create an invoice.
- After you have created and receipted the invoice manually in your practice management system using the charged amount, HotDoc will not sync this invoice, therefore the status will remain as Needs Invoice in the reporting section of the Dashboard.
You can check the Reconciled box to indicate that you have completed the invoice manually and it will update to say Manually Invoiced:
- You will also receive an email sent to the nominated email address under Quick Consults > Settings, to inform you that we were unable to create an invoice.
For more information about our reporting tools, and for how to reconcile your HotDoc payments to your receipts in your practice software and payouts to your bank account, please view these resources: - How do I view Payments Reporting in the Dashboard? - How do I reconcile my HotDoc payments to the receipts in my practice software? - How do I use Payments Reporting to reconcile payouts to my bank account? |