Note: Please ensure you have completed the setup first using these steps: How to set up practitioner accounts to use Quick Consults |
This guide will show how a practitioner can use the HotDoc Sidebar to action their Quick Consults, repeat requests. This includes completing, declining or reassigning requests and how they can leave custom notes to communicate with patients.
In this article |
The Practitioner Experience
Quick user guide (click through)
For a quick guide on how to use this, click on the interactive guide below. Note: Click the arrow in the top right corner to enlarge the guide if viewing on desktop. |
To set up your practitioner account please follow these steps: How to set up Practitioners to action repeat requests in the Sidebar |
Video user guide
One page quick use PDF (printable)
You can download or print this PDF using the icons below, or by opening the link at the bottom of this article. |
How to action requests in the Sidebar
Open Installed HotDoc Sidebar and login
Open the Sidebar on the practitioner's computer so that you can view and action pending requests. Locate the HotDoc Sidebar icon on the desktop of the computer and click to open.
- Enter the registered practitioners email and password to log in to see the requests
Open HotDoc Web Sidebar and login
The HotDoc Web Sidebar is an alternate way we can enable practitioners to action Quick Consults. It doesn't offer the complete functionality of the downloaded Sidebar and will not be available if your practice is only using the installed sidebar.
Open your browser and head to or click view my requests from your Quick Consults Notification Email.
If your practice is using the Web Sidebar, you will see this email. If your practice is only using the Installed Sidebar, you will see this email and will not be able to open the Web Sidebar.
- Enter the registered practitioners email and password to log in to see the requests
Please note: Installing the Sidebar on the practitioner's computer is recommended so that you have full access to all Quick Consults features. If you're unable to install the Sidebar, you can open it in an internet browser or mobile device via this link:
If HotDoc is missing from their computer, please refer to: |
View Pending Requests in the Practitioner's Sidebar
To view a practitioner's pending repeat prescription or referral requests follow the below steps.
- Open the HotDoc Sidebar (refer to the steps above)
- Click on Pending Requests to see a full list of any outstanding requests.
You will be able to view all of the information that the patient submitted online.
Please Note: Actioned requests will not be visible in the Sidebar. Refer to the Dashboard to see a full list of all requests for the practice.
How to Approve or Reject a Repeat Request
When a request is submitted by the patient, the funds are held in a pre-authorised state for 5 business days. If the request is not actioned within that time, the request will expire and the held funds are returned to the patient automatically within 5-10 business days. The request will disappear from the Sidebar if it is expired and will only be visible in the Dashboard. Please contact the patient directly regarding their request. |
To approve a request the practitioner will complete the following steps:
View the request in the Sidebar and open your Practice Management System to complete the request in the patient's file:
Example of a script request Example of a referral request - Once complete, return to the Sidebar and add an optional note to send to the patient if required. This will be attached in their confirmation email.
Click the Mark as Complete button to notify the patient and collect payment from their card:
To decline a request the practitioner will complete the following steps:
View the request in the Sidebar and decide if you are going to complete the request:
Example of a script request Example of a referral request - If you decide to decline the request, return to the Sidebar and add an optional note with more information to send to the patient if required. This will be attached in their confirmation email:
Click the Decline Request button:
- A message will appear to confirm if you are sure you'd like to decline the request. If you're sure, click Decline request to notify the patient and return the held funds to their card:
Sending a custom note to a patient (optional)
You can add a note to communicate with the patient when completing or rejecting a request in the Sidebar. The note will be added to the email that is automatically sent to the patient:
- View the request in the Sidebar
- Locate the Send a note to the patient (optional) field and enter the note to communicate directly with the patient about their request.
- The note will appear in the email that is sent to the patient after the request has been actioned:
Example of approval email |
Example of rejected email Includes booking link to make an appointment |
How to reassign a request to a different practitioner?
Practitioners can reassign a request to a different practitioner who offer this request type from within the Sidebar by following these steps:
- Locate the request in the Sidebar:
- Click Reassign request:
Select a practitioner from the list and select Re-assign:
Please note
The HotDoc Practitioners displayed for reassignment:
Must be set up and active for this Quick Consults request type
- Must be linked to an active practitioner in your practice management system (PMS).
If you can't find the practitioner you wish to re-assign this request to please speak to your Practice Manager or Admin Staff
Must be set up and active for this Quick Consults request type
You will receive confirmation that it has been successful:
Your fellow practitioner will see the following message, letting them know it has been reassigned from you to them:
Installed Sidebar Features
Below is a list of features that are only available if you download and instal the HotDoc Sidebar on a practitioners work station. If you are using the HotDoc Web Sidebar and try to use these features you will receive the below prompts to get started with the installed sidebar:
Open patient file automatically & pin request
Practitioners can easily open the patient's file in the practice management system (PMS) directly from the HotDoc Sidebar if we find a patient match. You can also pin the request so that it remains on your screen while completing a request.
- Click Open patient file button and this will open the patient file in your PMS:
(Currently Best Practice and Medical Director users only) - If we're unable to find a match to the patient file in your PMS (or if using Zedmed), click the icon next to the patient's name, DOB or mobile number to copy, and paste this in your PMS to find and open the patient file.
- Select Pin request so it remains on your screen whilst you action a request in your practice software:
New Pending Request Sidebar alerts
If a request is submitted to the practitioner throughout the day an alert will pop up on their screen to notify them of any new requests that require action: