How are Quick Consults response times calculated on our practice's booking page?
We will calculate the time it takes for your doctors to complete a patient’s Quick Consult request and show a response time estimate on your HotDoc booking page and when a patient requests a Quick Consult.
Response time calculations will be based on requests that have been approved or declined in the previous 30 days, but will be updated weekly on your HotDoc page to account for any changes. This allows us to show accurate response times and set the right expectations for your patients.
You can see a few examples listed below:
- If doctors are actioning requests between 6-12 hours, we will show 'within 12 hours' on your booking page
- If doctors are actioning requests between 12-24 hours, we will show 'within 24 hours'
- If doctors are actioning requests between 2-3 days, we'll show 'within 3 days'
- If doctors are actioning requests greater than 3 days, we will show 'within 5 days'
We will started calculating these times once any doctor at your practice has approved or declined at least 3 requests. If your practice has just started using Quick Consults or no doctors have completed more than 3 requests in the last 30 days, we will default the response time to 1 business day.